The Research Project

A World of Indifference.….sought to provide women who had experienced psychiatric hospitalization in Canada with an opportunity to speak uninterrupted regarding their experiences.

After an informed consent process, the women were asked to respond to one question followed by optional probes:

“Please tell me about your experience of Psychiatric Hospitalization?”

1. What is life like for you right now?

2. What was your life like prior to your experience(s) with psychiatric hospitalization?

3. Through what series of events did your psychiatric hospitalization(s) take place?

4. How would you describe your experience of psychiatric hospitalization?

5. What was helpful? What was not helpful? Please explain

6. What was involved with your psychiatric hospitalization? What services, treatments,

programs or events were a part of that experience?

7. What adjectives best describe your experience and why?

8. What memory or memories stand out for you regarding this time of your life?

9. What was the impact of being hospitalized?

10. If you had the opportunity to speak to student nurses or nurses who work in psychiatry what would you want to tell them? Why?

The film provides the un-edited outcome of these interviews and focus groups. Please note, that sampling was random, and aside from seeking diversity in the participants in so far as age, race, class, sexual orientation, ability, etc …. no efforts were made to pre-select participants with any particular experience. These are the women’s truths – they deserve to be heard, affirmed and considered.